You may DONATE NOW and immediately begin to make our participant’s dreams a reality! Please contact us with any questions. We are committed to honoring any donors wishes for their donation, no matter the size. We also have a business partnership program through which you can support our nonprofit while benefiting your business. We have many different options that range from being featured on our website and social media, to printing your logo on our T shirts and banners.
If you wish to volunteer time, we would love the help! Please contact us so we can discuss how you can get involved in a life changing way!
Want to learn more about our program or sign up for newsletters? Sign up below!
If you would like to participate in our local business sponsorship program by providing donations for our community general fund scholarship program, visit our contact page. We will send you an information packet explaining the direct benefits and tax-deductible advertising opportunities through our nonprofit. The best part about these options is the direct benefit to both your community and the success of local athletes. We guarantee that you will see more than a tax deductible benefit.